Tuesday, October 23, 2007

☻E-Learning: the ANYTIME, anywhere, OPTION☻

"There are times I'm up at midnight signing in to a class to do my work."

Randall Haney earns collage credits without leaving his house. Hes taken several speech and computer courses online with additional class work. Through Electric learning he has been doing additional studying...at his OWN pace. That could work for anyone and everyone is very open to it.
E-classes fall into two categories. Synchronous and Asynchronous classes. The synchronous class allows instructors and students to meet online at a prearranged time to go through a class session. Whereas the asynchronous classes are free for all students to log on,turn in,receive assignments..ext throughout the day.

"Students have the chance to think, reflect, and compose their thoughts."

E-learning could be for you if you like or need the flexibility Or maybe you just communicate well in an online format. But if you are easily detracted or don't have a stable computer then maybe E-learning isn't the right decision.

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